Hide IP Platinum v3.5 英文正式版(隱藏您電腦 IP 地址的軟體)
擔心網路安全問題?想隱藏您電腦的 IP 地址?Hide IP 正是您所要找的工具!只要運行
Hide IP,它就可以很輕鬆的保證電腦安全。 Hide IP 會自動查找代理伺服器並設置成您
所使用的代理伺服器地址,您不需要管任何事情,Hide IP 會為做好一切。
Concerned about Internet privacy? Want to hide your IP address?
Hide IP Platinum is the software you are looking for! Keeping your
privacy is simple and easy: the only thing you need to do is open
Hide IP Platinum. Hide IP platinum will find the proxy server
available to you and set it as your proxy server automatically.
There is nothing need you to concern. Hide IP Platinum have done
everything for you!
Key Features of Hide IP Platinum:
* Hide IP Platinum searches for HIGH anonymous proxy server and
makes you complete invisible to any websites you are surfing
* Protect you from any website that wants to monitor your reading
interests and spy upon you through your unique IP address - your
ID in the Internet
* Avoid your personal information be used to send you spam and
junk emails by many marketers and advertising agencies who
having information about your interests and knowing your IP
address as well as your email
* Keeping your computer away from hacker attacks by hiding your IP
address as well as information about your operation system
* Ability to frequently change IP addresses increases privacy
* Enable and disable Hide IP Platinum as your wish with a single
* Bypass the restrictions by some owners of Internet resources on
users from certain countries or geographical regions
* Post on bulletin boards without displaying your real IP address
* Use with a web based mail service to send anonymous email
* Doesn't like oher services force you to pay a monthly fee for
anonymous surfing. For a low one-time price, you can visit
whatever web sites without anyone ever finding out
* Works with Internet Explorer
Hide IP Platinum v3.43 繁體中文正式版(IP位址隱藏軟體)
Hide IP Platinum v3.43 英文正式版(網路工具/隱藏在線IP地址軟體)
Platinum Hide IP v2.1.0.2 英文正式版(IP隱藏工具軟體)
Hide IP Platinum v3.43 繁體中文正式版(網絡工具軟體)
Platinum Hide IP v3.0.9.8 英文正式版(ip地址隱藏軟體)
Hide IP Easy v4.2.1.2 (32/64 bit) 英文正式版(隱藏真實IP的實用工具軟體)
Radiotracker Platinum Multilangual v4.1.36.0 英文正式版(錄製網路電台廣播的軟體)